Adjust an Image Focal Point

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To control the focal point of your images to ensure better display on thumbnails, banners, and teaser cards. Follow the steps below to change the focal point of an image.

How to Change the Focal Point of an Image:

Pasted_Image_16_10_2024__10_10 am.png

  1. Add an image by navigating to the content you are creating or editing (e.g., Project, Page, Event).
  2. Hover over the image preview. You will see a tooltip that says “Click for advanced options.” 
  3. Adjust the Focal Point.A dot will appear in the centre of the image within the modal. Click anywhere on the image to move the dot to your desired focal point. 
  4. Click done and then save the content/tool.

Previewing the focal point:

  • After saving, view the content on the frontend. The image should crop with the selected focal centred.
  • See how the image is displayed on both the the card preview thumbnail and banner to ensure your images display exactly as intended.
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