Understanding and Managing Teams

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Teams in District Engage help you organise projects and control access to content. This article explains how to create and manage teams effectively.

Before you begin

Only users with administrator permissions can create and manage teams. Teams must be enabled in your site settings.


Types of Teams

District Engage offers two types of teams to match different organisational needs:

Regular Teams

  • Team members get access to all team projects
  • Maintains existing system-level permissions for non-administrators
  • Perfect for standard project collaboration

Restricted Teams

  • Provides enhanced security for sensitive projects
  • Only team members and administrators can access content
  • Ideal for internal or confidential projects


How to Create a Team

  1. From the Dashboard, click People in the left-hand menu
  2. Click the Teams tab
  3. Click the + icon in the top right corner
  4. Fill in the following details:
    • Title: Enter a name for your team
    • Description: Add details about the team's purpose
    • Team Type: Choose Regular or Restricted
  5. Click Save to create the team


How to Add Team Members

  1. Navigate to the team you want to edit
  2. Click the Members tab
  3. Click + Add member
  4. Search for the user you want to add
  5. Select a role for the team member
  6. Click Add to confirm

When adding members to a Restricted team, remember that only these members and site administrators will be able to access the team's projects and content.


Team Roles and Permissions

The table below outlines what each role can do within a team:

Team Lead
  • Manage team membership and settings
  • Create and delete team projects
  • Access all team projects and content
  • Set project access permissions
  • View team analytics and reporting
  • Manage team workflows
Project Manager (assigned to a team)
  • Create new projects within assigned team(s)
  • Edit and manage team projects
  • Publish and un-publish team project content
  • Manage project participation tools
  • View project analytics
  • Cannot modify team settings or membership
  • Access limited to projects within assigned team(s)
Other Team Roles

  • Engagement Officer
  • Publisher
  • Reviewer
  • Public Moderator

These roles retain their standard system permissions (see Understanding User Roles) but their access and capabilities are limited to projects within their assigned team(s).

For example, a Publisher assigned to Team A can only publish content for Team A's projects.


Multiple Roles

Users can have multiple roles within a team, or different roles across different teams. For example, someone could be a Team Lead in one team and a Project Manager in another.


Best Practice

Assign team roles based on job responsibilities and maintain the principle of least privilege - only give users the access they need to perform their tasks.


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