Configure site regions and tags
Every project can be assigned category tags and regions to help participants easily search and find consultations.
For example, a category could be the tag 'environment'. Participants can search for the keyword 'environment' and access a list of all consultations tagged with 'environment'.
These category tags also help to surface related projects via links.
You can learn more about categories here.
Regions behave like any other page on District Engage and thus can be added as a block to a project page. For example, if you've created a project that concerns the region 'South Perth,' you can add the region content block 'South Perth,' which links to other projects in the same region.
To learn more about content blocks, click here.
Regions and tags can also be independent pages that users can reach via the main navigation. Learn more about editing the site homepage here.
To view a list of all regions/tags
Navigate to Settings
In the left-hand menu, click Categories, then Region/Tag. This displays all the available categories for your website.
To add a new region/tag
Navigate to Settings.
In the left-hand menu, click Categories, then Region/Tag. This displays all the available categories for your website.
Click +Add region/ +Add tag.
Give the category a Title, Summary and description in the Body text. A URL slug will be automatically created. You can change this URL slug in the edit screen.
If required, you can add further blocks of content. For more detailed information about each content type you can add, click here.
Add a primary image.
Click Save.
To edit or delete a region/tag
Navigate to Settings.
In the left-hand menu, click Categories, then Region/Tag. This displays all the available categories for your website.
Click on the category you want to edit or delete. This will open the Edit screen.
Edit and Save your changes. Alternatively, click Delete. At the prompt, confirm you want to Delete the region/tag (this action cannot be undone).