A project is a self-contained set of content and participation activities you can build with District Engage that will support a community consultation.
A project allows you to engage with your community, communicate important and relevant information, and gather rich data insights.
Elements of a project: Public view
When a project has been created, the following elements will be visible to the general public:
Landing page | A basic webpage that provides an overview of the project for the general public. It contains information about your consultation activities and links to related elements such as Participation tools, Events, Updates and Timelines. |
Subpage(s) | You can create project Subpages if you need to provide more details on specific topics. |
Participation tools | A set of tools specifically designed to facilitate and increase community engagement. Tools include surveys, polls and discussions. |
Updates | A way to communicate regular progress updates to the public. |
Events | Public events such as community forums or picnics can increase engagement in your project. Share information about the Event and RSVP details. |
Timeline | A Timeline visually illustrates an overview of the progress of a project and the estimated time frame for each stage of the consultation process. |
(Please note: projects may not contain all elements)
Elements of a project: Admin view
Admin users will be able to view and manage the public project elements from the admin dashboard. For more information about updating a project click here.
When navigating to a project from the admin dashboard, the dashboard will display the following items:
The following items are available in the project sub-menu:
Menu item | Detail |
Report | Link to the project reporting dashboard |
Preview | Link to the project preview page |
Edit | Link to the project edit page |
Content | Link to overview of all project content |
Content>Pages | Link to the project pages |
Content>Updates | Link to the project updates |
Content>Events | Link to all project events |
Content>Timeline | Link to the project timeline |
Content>Documents | Link to the project documents |
Content>Maps | Link to the project maps |
Participation | Link to all participation tools |
Participation>Surveys | Link to all surveys |
Participation>Polls | Link to all polls |
Participation>Idea boards | Link to all Idea boards |
The following project tabs are available:
Project tab | Detail |
Report tab | View information and data relevant to the project's progress, performance, and key metrics. |
Preview tab | View the content on your main project page, as well as some key project settings. |
Edit tab | Update the project title, summary and body text that appears on the main project page, and add content blocks and content groups. You can also update the image, consultation status, and the end date of the project. Advanced settings are also managed through this tab. |
Revisions | You can access Revisions via the ellipsis [...] on the top right hand side. This provides an overview of all project revisions. Whenever a user updates the project through the Edit tab, the system will save this as a revision. |
Delete | You can access Delete via the ellipsis [...] on the top right hand side. Here you can delete the full project. |
Front end | To view your changes in the front end, click the forward arrow on the top right hand side. |