Create and publish a project

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In District Engage, a project represents a workspace for a particular set of consultation activities.

Creating a project

To create a new project:

  1. Log in to your District Engage website.
  2. At the top right of the page, click on your username, then click Dashboard. This will take you to your personalised dashboard page.
  3. In the left-hand menu bar, click Projects.
  4. Click on the + icon located on the right hand side of the screen.
  5. Give the project a Title.
  6. Provide a brief Summary that explains the purpose of the project. Note: Fields are optional unless marked required, but filling in all the relevant fields will give your project the best chance of success.
  7. Add content to the Body. The Body is the primary content that will be visible on your project’s publicly visible landing page. Help people understand what the consultation is for by providing a clear and concise description. If your description is several paragraphs long, you can tick Collapse body to cut your content shorter and add a Show more button. This is a rich content editor, which means you can add things like hyperlinks, tables, quotes, and style your text. Click here for more information about the editor.
  8. Add a primary image.
  9. Update the Consultation status.
  10. Set an End date for the project by either typing it into the field or clicking on the calendar icon and choosing the date.
  11. Add Contact details. You can add a field for each contact. Select the contact Type using the dropdown list, then add specific details using the Value field.
  12. If required, you can add further blocks of content. For more detailed information about each content type you can add, click here. You don’t need to add all your content now; you can create the project and update it later.
  13. Through Advanced settings (optional) you can:
    1. In Categories, select relevant Tags from the list to apply to the project. To learn more about this, click here.
    2. In Team settings, select the Team who owns this project. You can choose more than one.
    3. Set the Location details for your project.
      1. Select Regions. A region is a geographical category that you can link to your project to help public users search for and find projects that interest them. In District Engage, Regions are created in the Settings menu. To learn more about this, click here.
      2. Add a Location name. A location name is a specific geographical reference to a place. To add a location name, simply type the desired name in this field, for example, "Kings Park". Note: location names don't need to be created in the Settings menu.
      3. Add the Location coordinates. When you add Location coordinates for a project, public users will be able to search and find the project on a map view.
      4. In URL settings, create a unique URL to make it easy to find and navigate to your project.
      5. Under Participation settings, choose the participation default status. This will determine whether comments and submissions from consultation tools will be published automatically, or will require moderation first.
    4. Once you’re ready to save your draft, click Save.

Click here for more information on managing site tags and regions.


Publishing a project

Once you have saved your project as a draft, internal users with the appropriate permissions will be able to publish the project. Each user role has associated publishing permissions, which controls what they can publish, and to what status they can change a content update. Find out more about user roles here.

To publish a project:

  1. Navigate to the project you would like to publish.
  2. On the project overview page, click the Edit tab.
  3. Click Publish.
  4. A pop-up window will appear where you can Confirm, and leave a Revision message.

Click here for more information on the best way to set up your internal publishing workflow.

Note: once a project is published, site visitors can subscribe to email notifications on project updates by following a project. To learn more about how to send notifications to site visitors following a project, click here.


Project revisions

Whenever you create a project or update project content, a revision will be made. You can track all revisions and view the author, status and details of any changes.

To access an overview of your project’s revisions:

  1. Login to your District Engage website.
  2. In the left-hand menu bar, click Projects.
  3. Scroll or search for a project. Click on the ellipsis icon in the row of the relevant project.
  4. Click Revisions in the dropdown.
  5. This will open a list of all the revisions for the project.


Enhance project visibility

To maximise the visibility of your projects in search results, it's crucial to follow our SEO best practices.


To improve search engine results for your project:

  1. In your project summaries, incorporate key terms that align closely with the project's content and objectives.
  2. Ensure the title contains key terms that accurately reflect the content.
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