Manage project restriction settings

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In District Engage, you have the ability to

  1. Hide your project from frontend search and listings, meaning your project won't appear on the public website as a listed project or in the project search.

  2. Make your project private. When making your project you have the ability to either:

    • Give access to certain user groups. When privating your project you have the ability to password protect 
    • Password protect your project, allowing users to only access the project when they have entered the project password.

To set a password to access a project

  1. Log in to District Engage.
  2. Click on your username, then Dashboard.
  3. In the left-hand menu bar, click Projects. This displays a list of all the projects you have access to.
  4. Select the project you want to set a password for. Click on the ellipsis icon at the end of the row to show more options. Click Restriction Settings.
  5. Write a password, then click Save to save the settings.


To hide a project from frontend search and project listings

  1. Log in to District Engage.
  2. Click on your username, then Dashboard.
  3. In the left-hand menu bar, click Projects. This displays a list of all the projects you have access to.
  4. Select the project you want to set a password for. Click on the ellipsis icon at the end of the row to show more options. Click Restriction Settings.
  5. Tick the checkbox Hide from frontend search and listings.
  6. Click Save to save the settings.


To give access to certain user groups:

  1. Log in to District Engage.
  2. Click on your username, then navigate to Dashboard.
  3. In the left-hand menu, click Projects to display a list of all the projects you have access to.
  4. Select the project you want to manage. Click the ellipsis icon next to the project to show more options, and then click Restriction Settings.
  5. Tick the checkbox Make the project private, then select Allow access to user groups.
  6. In the User groups field, select the relevant groups (e.g., Authenticated users, Content managers) from the dropdown.
  7. Click Save to apply the settings.

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