Dashboard widgets

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Each reporting dashboard will display a default set of widgets. However, users can update the widgets on any of these dashboard.

  • Click here for more info on the available reporting dashboards.
  • Click here for more information on how to add, edit or remove widgets on your dashboard.

Reporting widgets display data according to their reporting context (Main dashboard, Project dashboard) and selected date filter, except for the 'Currently logged-in users' widget that displays the total amount of currently logged in users.

Whenever a widget refers to a metric being ‘unique’ - for example in the context of a unique visitor or unique participant count - the uniqueness refers to a visit or participation from a unique IP address. However, an IP address is not a definitive way of defining a distinct individual. A single IP address could be allocated to multiple users located at the same household or workplace. If multiple people in the same household (sharing the same IP address) visit the website, these people will all be counted as a single visitor, as they originate from the same IP address.

Available widgets


User count

The count of users segmented by verification status, activity, or registration. This widget is customisable to display data based on user roles and can include a suffix to clarify the count.

Metric Detail
Verified The total number of users who have been verified.
Last Active The count of users who have shown activity within a specified timeframe.
Registrations The number of new users who have registered.

Configuration Options:

  • Roles: Filter the user count by specific user roles, such as Administrator, Project Manager, etc.
  • Exclude Roles: Option to exclude certain user roles from the count.
  • Suffix: A text to be displayed next to the count, such as "Users" to provide context.

User list

A table displaying selected user data. This widget is customisable to display data based on user role and selected Table columns, such as Name, Registered and Last Active.



This is an example of a count card:

count card.png


Analytics metric

The following analytic metric count cards can be added to the dashboard:

Title Detail
Unique visitors The number of visits from a unique IP address. If a single visitor comes to the same website multiple times in the selected date filter, it will be counted once as a unique visitor.


Total amount of users that are currently logged in (public and admin users combined).


Visits If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.
Visits converted


The total unique visitors having made a submission.


Bounces The number of site bounces within the selected date filter. A bounce is a session during which a visitor viewed an entry page but did not continue to another page view, or goal conversion.


The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be: Page views, Internal site searches, Outlinks, Downloads.


Maximum actions


Maximum number of actions in a visit, in the context of this dashboard and the selected date filter.


Number of actions per visit The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during a visit.
Average time on website


The average time spent, in seconds, in the context of this dashboard and the selected date filter.


Total visit length The total time spent, in seconds, in the context of this dashboard and the selected date filter.


Form Analytics Metric 

Title Detail
Views The total number of times a form page was viewed. This counts every time a visitor loads a page where the form is embedded, regardless of interaction with the form.


The unique number of visitors who have viewed the form page at least once. If a visitor views the form multiple times, they are counted as one unique viewer.


Starts The total number of times the form interaction was initiated after being viewed. A "start" is recorded when a visitor begins interacting with the form, such as focusing on or changing a form field (without counting autofill).


The number of unique visitors who have started filling out the form at least once. This count increases only once per unique visitor, even if they interact with the form multiple times.


Submissions The number of site bounces within the selected date filter. A bounce is a session during which a visitor viewed an entry page but did not continue to another page view, or goal conversion.


The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be: Page views, Internal site searches, Outlinks, Downloads.




Maximum number of actions in a visit, in the context of this dashboard and the selected date filter.


Conversions The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during a visit.

Content count

Title Detail
Standard page The number of pages created within the selected date filter.
Standard update The number of updates created within the selected date filter.
Standard stage The number of timeline stages created within the selected timeframe.


Document downloads

Title Detail
Document downloads The total document downloads within the selected date filter.


Event registrations

Title Detail
Event RSVPs The total of event RSVPs within the selected date filter.


Survey submissions

The number of submissions to any participation tool. This excludes likes or comments to other user’s submissions. When you select this count card, you can select the participation tools to be be part of the submission count (e.g., surveys only, polls only, or surveys and polls combined).

Form type Detail
Form Total number of survey submissions.
Poll Total number of poll submissions.
Idea board Total number of idea boards submissions.

Note: you can also decide to combine different types of participation tools (e.g., Poll and Idea board to get the total number of poll and idea board submissions).


Time series

This is an example of a time series widget:

series widget.jpeg


User activity

This widget tracks user activity over time, including last active, registrations, and verified status. Users can select which of these metrics they want to have displayed on the graph.

Visitor activity

This widget shows visitor activity over time, including unique visitors, visits and bounces. Users can select which of these metrics they want to have displayed on the graph.

Form activity 

This widget shows visitor activity over time, including conversions, views, starts, submissions, and resubmissions. Users can select which of these metrics they want to have displayed on the graph. 

Event activity

This widget shows event activity over time, including RSVPs, unique visitors, visits, bounces. Users can select which of these metrics they want to have displayed on the graph.

Survey activity

This widget shows participation tools activity over time, including total submissions, unique visitors, visits and bounces. Users can select which of these metrics they want to have displayed on the graph.



These are summary tables. Users can select the metrics they would like to see displayed in these tables. Users can also select which metric to sort the table by, and set the sort direction and the max items displayed.

This is an example of a content widget:

content widget.jpeg



Content (page, update, stage) summary table, allows the user to display the following metrics: Title, Total visits, Moderation status, Author, Last updated date, Created date, Unique visitors, Average bounce count, Average time on page.


Documents summary table, allows the user to display the following metrics: Title, Downloads, Moderation status, Author, Last updated date, Created date, Extension, Size.


Documents summary table, allows the user to display the following metrics: Title, Attendees, Unique visitors, Moderation status, Author, Last updated date, Total visits, Average bounce count, Average time on page.


Participation tool summary table, allows the user to display the following metrics: Title, Submissions, Unique visitors, Total visitors, Moderation status, Author, Last updated date, Created date, Average bounce count, Average time on page.


HTML Content

The HTML block is a WYSIWYG (“what you see, is what you get”) editor that enables you to add additional content to your dashboard, from text, images or code snippets, through to HTML and third-party embeds.



Note: these widget are only available for participation tools.

These widgets are designed to track defined analytics for specified input types. You have the ability to select a specific processor (analytics) to apply to a chosen input type, such as a checkbox. Additionally, the Map Submissions widget allows users to view submissions on a map.

This is an example of a survey widget:



Survey question

Input Processors
Text short 1. Count the sentiment split
2. Count of unique words for word clouds
3. Count of entity mentions : count of responses
Text long 1. Count the sentiment split
2. Count of unique words for word clouds
3. Count of entity mentions: count of responses
Email Count of the amount of distinct domains
Phone Count of the amount of distinct phone prefixes
URL Count of the amount of distinct domains
Checkboxes Count of the amount of distinct values
Radios Count of the amount of distinct values
Media selector  Count of the amount of distinct values
Drop-down Count of the amount of distinct values
Date and time Count the amount of distinct date prefixes
Date only Count the amount of distinct date prefixes
Time Count the amount of distinct hour values
Number input Count of the amount of distinct values
Number slider Count of the amount of distinct values
Rating Count the amount of distinct values
Upload Basic count of rows: count of user that made uploaded
Image Basic count of rows: count of user that uploaded an image


Map submissions

The map submissions widget enables you to view what submissions users have made using a selected map.

This is an example of a map submission widget:

Map submissions widget.jpeg


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