Participation tool reporting

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Reporting is available on the participation tool level, allowing you to inspect and analyse data from that particular tool.

Find a participation tool report

To find a participation tool dashboard:

  1. Log in to your District Engage website.
  2. In the left-hand menu bar, click Projects. This will show you all projects you currently have access to.
  3. Click on a project to open it.
  4. In the project sub-menu under Participation, click on a tool type. This will bring up a list of all participation tools of this type.
  5. Click on a participation tool to open it, then click Report in the top navigation bar.
  6. This screen is your participation tool report.


Export a participation tool report

To export the Excel data from a participation tool:

  1. Log in to your District Engage website.
  2. In the left-hand menu bar, click Projects. This will show you all projects you currently have access to.
  3. Click on a project to open it.
  4. From the project sub-menu, under Participation, select a tool type.
  5. Select a participation tool from the list, and click on the ellipsis on the right hand side of the listing to see the expanded menu.
  6. Select Report.
  7. Click on the download icon, located on the right-hand side of the screen, to export the report**.**
  8. You can download the participation tool report in PDF or PNG. Select a format to start the download.


Export an individual graph/chart on a participation tool reporting

To export an image (PNG or SVG) of an individual graph or chart on a participation tool reporting:

  1. Navigate to your participation tool Report.
  2. Select the graph or chart you want to export into an image.
  3. Hover over the chart/graph area, until a set of icons appear. Click the three line icon.
  4. Select one of the following dropdown options: Download SVG, Download PNG or Download CSV. A download will automatically start.
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