List of terminology used in District Engage
@ - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - P - R - S - T - U - V - W
Term | Definition |
Activation |
An internal account must be active for the the user to be able to perform tasks on District Engage. If the account is not used for a while it will become deactivated. Only a Super Admin can re-activate the account. |
Administrator |
An administrator manages or oversees the operation of a computer system, network, or organisation, often with privileged access to sensitive data and the ability to make important decisions.
All contributions | The number of submissions to any participation tool. This excludes likes or comments to other user’s submissions. (see also Reporting) |
Archived projects |
Any projects with an unpublished workflow state are archived. Project data, analytics, revisions and submissions are saved on archived projects. Projects may be archived when they are finished and no longer require online visibility, or if the project has been delayed. Unpublished projects can be published at any stage.
Authentication |
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or system, typically through the use of credentials such as passwords, tokens, or biometric data. See also 2FA. |
Authenticator App |
When logging in to District Engage, users may be asked to confirm their identity via 2FA. This requires the user to download an Authentication App (eg: Google Authenticator) from the App store on their mobile phone. Once installed, the App will provide the user with a unique numerical token when they login to District Engage. Enter this token into the 2FA screen when prompted to gain access to your user account. See also Two-factor authentication.
Author | Users with this role have the permissions required to author content on the website. |
Automated user deactivation |
When an internal user account hasn't been active for a while, it may be deactivated. Super Admins can choose to automatically deactivate accounts after a specified period of time via a tool in the Settings menu.
Bounce count |
The number of site bounces within the selected date filter. A bounce is a session during which a visitor viewed an entry page but did not continue to another page view, or goal conversion. See also Reporting. |
Bounce rate |
The average bounce rate within the selected date filter. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who enter and leave a single page, without any further interaction. See also Reporting.
Campaign team |
Every project in District Engage is owned by a Team. There are two types of team, Department Team and Campaign Team. When a new internal user is created, they can be assigned a team role within a Department or a Campaign. |
Category |
To help users search and find consultations, Projects can be tagged with Categories. (See Advanced Settings on the Edit tab of the individual project.) Administrators can add, delete and edit Categories via the Settings menu.
Compare card | These widgets allow users to compare certain values as percentages of other values, eg: "Value A vs Value B". |
Configuration interface |
The configuration interface is only accessible to administrators with special permissions. They can edit and customise the content of the user interface.
Consultation status | Reporting widgets that display the current number of projects under each workflow status, including unpublished and draft projects. The workflow status can be Open for Feedback, Reviewing Feedback or Reporting Back. See also Reporting. |
Content |
There is a range of content created to enhance public consultations with additional information and services. This includes Events, Timelines, Updates, Documents and project Pages.
Content tools |
Content tools are used to create and manage digital content to populate your website. In District Engage content tools include Project Pages, Updates, Events, Timelines and Documents. Select a Project to see the Content tools used in that project. Click on a tool for more details. |
Currently online |
The number of users that have been online in the last 30 minutes in the context of the dashboard. This metric is not affected by the selected date filter. See also Reporting.
Dashboard |
A dashboard is a graphical user interface that provides an overview of important information, data and metrics in a single location. |
Deactivation |
When an internal user account hasn't been active for a while, it may be deactivated. This period of time ranges is set by the Super Admin. See also Automated user deactivation.
Department team |
Every project in District Engage is owned by a Team that is assigned to the project when it is created. There are two types of team, Department Team and Campaign Team. When a new internal user is created, they are assigned a team role within a Department or a Campaign.
Display name |
The user's Display name or username is visible on the top right in the navigation bar. This name is used in conjunction with a password to log into the website. The preferred format is Firstname.Lastname
Documents |
Documents such as reports, draft consultations, masterplans, survey data or references provide necessary background information to a project. |
Engagement officer |
This is a System role on District Engage. An Engagement officer can create new and update exisiting project content and participation tools. This content must be approved prior to publishing. The Engagement Officer can also answer and publish public submissions.
Events |
Public Events such as public forums, community meetings and pop-up events help increase community engagement for your project. You can publish Event notifications on your website. |
Events (Reporting) |
The average number of events created within the selected date filter. See also Reporting.
Followers |
The number of visitors that have signed up to follow a project within the selected date filter. If a single visitor has signed up to follow two different projects, this user will be counted as two followers. See also Reporting. |
Forms |
A structured questionnaire that collects data from respondents. To find out more about Surveys and how to create them, click here.
Front end |
The front end, or client-side, refers to the user interface and functionality that is visible and accessible to end users.
Google Tag manager | Google Tag Manager is a tool for managing and deploying website tracking tags without needing to edit website code. |
Html block |
The Html block is a WYSIWYG editor that enables you to add additional content to your dashboard. See also WYSIWYG.
Idea board |
The Idea board is a participation tool that enables public users to contribute ideas and suggestions to an engagement project. These ideas can be "liked" by other users. |
Idea map |
This is an extension of the Idea board that enables public users to add ideas and feedback directly onto a map by adding a dropped pin onto the map and filling out a feedback form.
Informed rate |
The percentage of unique visitors that have interacted with content. |
Interests |
In District Engage, projects are categorised into different areas of Interest, such as Arts, Health or Justice.
Internal user |
Internal users have access to the dashboard. They will be assigned a role within a team, department or project and will have specific team/project permissions. They can perform administrative tasks based on their role. See also Administrator.
Landing page | Each project has a Landing page or "Overview". This is a basic web page with information about the consultation project, engagement activities and links to related content. |
Left hand menu |
One of three menus in the Dashboard, the Left hand menu displays the available actions and tools for specific projects or functions. See also Top level menu, User menu.
Location | To help users search and find a consultation, projects can be tagged with locations. See Advanced Settings on the Edit tab of the individual project to add, delete and edit Location details. See also Categories, Interests. |
Maintenance mode | Maintenance mode refers to a state in which a system or website is temporarily unavailable to users while maintenance or updates are being performed. To enable Maintenance mode, tick the box in General Settings. |
Map library |
The Map library displays all maps created for a project. To view the Map library, click on Maps in the left hand menu and select Map library. Add a map or edit as required.
Map marker icons | When you add a Map to a project, you can also upload map marker icons to customise your map. To view the Marker icons, and click on Maps in the Left hand menu and select Marker icons. Add or edit as required. |
Mins on site |
The average number of minutes spent online per day in the context of this dashboard and the selected date filter. See also Reporting.
Moderator | Users with this role have the permissions required to moderate content on the website. |
Notifications |
Notifications provide users with reminders, communications and other timely information.
Page views | The number of page views. If a single visitor looks at multiple pages, this will count as multiple page views. See also Reporting. |
Pages |
Pages are static standard pages such as About us, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions and Community Guidelines that apply to an entire site.
Participant | A Participant is a registered public user and has actively engaged in consultations by submitting a participation tool such as a survey or a poll. See also Registrations. |
Participation rate |
The percentage of unique visitors that submitted to a participation tool. This metric takes into account submissions to surveys, polls, map surveys, questions, ideas and discussions. See also Unique visitors.
Participation tools | Participation tools are engagement tools to encourage public users to participate in a consultation, and provide feedback. They include surveys, polls and questions. Select a Project to see the Participation tools for that project. Click on a tool for more details. |
People |
In District Engage, People refers to participants, internal users, teams and roles. Click People on the Top-level menu to view and manage users, teams and roles.
Permission groups | New users will be assigned permissions according to their role. These permissions have been structured into groups relating to particular tasks. For example, the "application content" Permission group relates to permissions such as viewing, editing, deleting and updating content. |
Permissions |
Every user on District Engage is granted specific Permissions based on their role. For example, participants can contribute feedback to consultations. Internal users may have permission to moderate or approve content or approve new team members, depending on their role. The Super admin has permission to perform every action on the site.
Poll | A single question or set of questions to gather opinions or preferences. See also Participation tools. |
Project |
A Project is a self-contained set of content and participation activities that supports a community consultation that is published for internal or external use.
Project consultation tools | This is a Permission group for creating and managing participation tools, such as creating a new survey or updating an existing idea topic. See also Permission groups. |
Project manager |
A Project manager is a System role on District Engage. The Project Manager can create projects and delete and un/publish their own projects. They can perform these tasks: Publisher, Reviewer, Engagement Officer and Public Moderator.
Project page content | This is a Permission group that enables the user to create content for specific projects, such as an event, or a project timeline. See also Permission groups. |
Project pages |
Each project will consist of a website landing page, engagement tools, and if required, additional Project pages.
Project role | Project roles are assigned to users who then get access to that specific project. Depending on their role, they will be able to perform tasks and actions within the project. See also Permissions. |
Project sub page |
This is a Permission group that relates to the creation and editing of pages for specific projects. See also Permission groups.
Project team | Every project in District Engage is owned by a Team. Members of the team will have special permissions and will get access to all projects associated with that team. |
Project visitation comparison | Project visits over time. See also Reporting. |
Public moderator |
A Public moderator is a System role on District Engage. They can approve and reject public submissions including ideas, maps, discussions and questions, and approve and reject comments to those submissions.
Public participation | This is a Permission group that enables participation tool submissions such as survey submissions, ideas, questions and comments. This includes permissions for public users to submit content on the front end and permissions for internal users to manage submissions. See also Permission groups. |
Public user |
Public users can register for an account. Once their account has been approved by an Administrator, they will be able to contribute to consultations. When they have actively contributed to a public consultation such as via a survey or a poll they are called Participants. See also Participants, and Registrations.
Publisher | A publisher is a System role on District Engage. A Publisher can un/publish new project content and edits; and un/publish new project participation tools and edits. |
Publishing schedule |
All changes to content that are scheduled for publishing in the future are listed in the Publishing schedule for that particular project.
Registrations | Registrations refers to public users who have a District Engage account. To register, click on the link on the top right of the navigation bar and complete the form. Registered users can participate in consultations. See also Public user, participants. NB: in the context of events, Registrations refers to the number of users who register to attend a selected event. |
Reporting |
Internal users have access to three reporting dashboards: the main dashboard, the project dashboard, a a dashboard for each participation tool used in the project. For more information about reporting click here.
Returning visitor | The number of visitors that visited more than once. If a visitor comes to the same website two times in the selected date filter, it will be counted once as a Returning visitor. See also Reporting. |
Reviewer |
This is a System role on District Engage. Reviewers can approve or reject new content, and new participation tools, and edit exisiting content and participation tools. See also Permissions, Roles.
Roles | New users are assigned a Role within a team, a department or a project. They can perform administrative tasks based on their role. Examples of roles include Manager, Author, Reviewer and Moderator. Only Super admins can allocate and manage roles and permissions. See Permissions. |
In District Engage, RSVPs refers to invitations to events. When a participant RSVPs to an event, they have accepted the invitation and will attend.
Settings | Settings are the configuration options and preferences that can be customised by an administrator in order to adjust features and functionality to suit specific needs and preferences. In District Engage, access General Settings via the Top-level menu. Configure Reporting Settings via the cogwheel icon on a project's Report dashboard. Configure Advanced Settings for individual projects on the Edit tab of that project. |
Sitewide |
Sitewide refers to an element or action that affects the entire website or is present on all pages.
Stages | The number of timeline stages created within the selected timeframe. See also Timeline. |
Summary tables |
These tables provide key analytics in the context of the dashboard and the selected date filter. See also Reporting.
Super admin | The Super admin is responsible for the management and maintenance of the website. They are authorised to make changes throughout the site; manage teams, groups and users, including other Admins; and grant approvals and permissions. |
Survey |
A structured questionnaire that collects data from respondents. See also Participation tools.
Survey submission | Part of the Public Participation permission group. The Survey submission permission group enables permissions for all participation tool submissions, including questions, polls, surveys and map submissions. See also Permission groups. |
System role |
A system role grants the user application-wide permissions, such as accessing the dashboard. A system role is not specific to a team or project. System roles include Public users, Internal users, Admin and Super admin.
Team | Teams group people and projects together. They help with searchability, and help with assigning roles and permissions. In District Engage, each Team can have a unique page created for them to help public participants learn more about the people behind a consultation. To see a list of teams, click on the Team icon in the Left hand menu of the People window. |
Team roles |
Within each team there are a number of roles, each with different tasks, permissions and levels of authority. Team roles include Author, Reviewer, Moderator and Manager.
Timeline | A timeline is a graphical representation of events arranged chronologically on a straight line. To add a Timeline to a District Engage project, select a project from the Projects window. In the Left hand menu click Timeline. Add stages with a start and end date and a description. See also Content tools. |
Top level menu |
Located in the Dashboard, the Top-level menu displays Content, Projects, People, Tenants and Settings. This menu gives you access to manage and view projects, teams or users, and settings. See also Left hand menu, User menu, Dashboard.
Two-factor authentication (2FA) | Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an identity and access management security process that requires two types of authentication to grant access to data and resources. It provides an additional layer of security beyond just a username and password. In District Engage, 2FA is only used on admin accounts, and it is optional. See also Authentication. |
Unique participants |
The number of unique visitors who submitted to a participation tool. If a single visitor makes multiple submissions within the context of the dashboard, this will be counted once as a unique participant. See also Unique visitors.
Unique visitors | The number of visits from a unique IP address. If a single visitor comes to the same website multiple times in the selected date filter, it will be counted once as a unique visitor. See also Unique participants. |
Updates |
Project Updates keep the public informed of a project's progress. They are published on the project website and are also sent to members of the public who have registered their interest in a particular project.
URL slug | A URL slug is the part of website address that comes after the domain name and identifies a specific page. In District Engage the URL slug will default to the page name. |
User interface |
A user interface (UI) is the means by which a user interacts with a computer or device, including the design, layout, and functionality of visual elements and controls. The UI can refer to the Dashboard or the Front end.
User menu | A user menu is a graphical interface element that presents a list of options or commands for the user to choose from. It's usually accessed by clicking on an icon or button. On District Engage, the User menu links to user profile information and the front end/dashboard. To access the user menu, click on the user name in the top right bar. See also Top level menu, Left hand menu. |
User profile |
A User profile is the personal information and preferences associated with a particular user account.
Username | A name used in conjunction with a password to gain access to a computer system or a network service. See also Display name. |
View any |
The View Any (page, comment, etc) permission field allows you to see a full list of pages, projects and comments within the context of your permissions.
View any project | This permission field grants System role users access to all projects within District Engage. This permission should be granted with caution. However, when users are assigned to a team they can view any project within this team, regardless of this permission being granted or not. |
View non published projects |
This is a permission in the Projects permission group, and can be selected to give users access to view non-published projects.
Visitor activity | This widget shows visitor activity over time. See also: Page views, Unique visitors, All contributions, Unique participants, Followers and Reporting. |
Workflow status |
The workflow status is a Reporting widget that displays the number of projects that have been created, first published or archived within a set timeframe. See also Reporting.
WYSIWYG | WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) is a content publishing tool that displays content on screen exactly as it will appear when published, without requiring any coding knowledge. See also Content Tools. |